Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Causes and Effects of the Civil War Essay - 744 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Did you know America’s bloodiest battle fought on their own soil was the Civil War? The Civil War was fought on American soil between the northern states and the southern states. Many causes provoked the war, which would affect the nation for decades to come. Slavery, the Missouri Compromise, and John Brown’s attack on Harpers Ferry, Virginia, were some of the many causes. In turn hundreds of thousands of soldiers died, the South’s economy was devastated, and the northern ideals flourished. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the later 1700’s to 1863, slavery was an intricate part of the South. Slaves were needed for plantation work like planting, caring for, and harvesting crops to maintaining the land. After†¦show more content†¦The Missouri Compromise stated Missouri would be a slave state and Maine would be carved out of Massachusetts and created into a non-slave state. The Missouri Compromise really angered the North, contributing to the Civil War. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In May of 1856, Congressman Preston Brooks of South Carolina entered the nearly empty senate chamber and beat Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner with a cane. Brooks felt violated by Sumner’s â€Å"Crime Against Kansas† speech, which provoked the retaliation. This attack spread the idea that violence might be able to solve the problem of slavery. In October 1859, abolitionist John Brown, led a violent attack. He and his band of 21 men and attacked the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. They hoped to spark a slave rebellion that would end slavery, and in John Brown’s words, â€Å"purge this land with blood.† Brown’s attack was one of the final causes that sparked the Civil War. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When the Civil War finally concluded, thousands of American soldiers died fighting for what they believed in. The Confederate army lost a total of 258,000 soldiers and the Union army lost 360,000 soldiers. The loss of so many people immensely harmed the nation mentally and economically. Almost everybody had a family, relative, or friend that died in the Civil War. Half of the lives lost were farmers in the South, which devastated the South’s economy because these farmers were also consumers for theirShow MoreRelatedThe Causes And Effects Of The Civil War1564 Words   |  7 PagesThe causes and effects of the Civil War will be defined through the institution of slavery, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the military leadership of President Lincoln to resolve the uncompromising political position of the South/Confederacy. Lincoln’s â€Å"House Divided† speech will be an important primary source that defines the underlying resistance to the expa nsion of the slave states into new territories taken by the U.S. government in the 1850s. More so, the uncompromising and an increasingly militaristicRead MoreThe Causes And Effects Of The American Civil War1815 Words   |  8 PagesJames T. Vaughn Correctional Center September 9, 2014 The Causes and Effects of the American Civil War State Standard: H.4.A In 1860, Abraham Lincoln, a member of the anti-slavery Republican Party, was elected President of the United States (Hassler). Because his presidency was viewed by many southerners as a threat to the southern way of life, most southern states seceded from the Union and organized as the Confederate States of America (â€Å"Effects†). States that bordered the North and the South, suchRead MoreCause And Effects Of The Civil War Essay1078 Words   |  5 Pages Jean Park US History Period 4 23 September 2017 The Effects of the Civil War The civil war was between the Northern and Southern states, which were divided on the issue of slavery. The northern states didn’t want slavery to continue while the south wanted slavery to continue. This disagreement led to a five-year war from 1861-1865 leading to many social changes like the how the emancipation proclamation leading to the formation of the 13th, 14th, 15th amendments. Which allowed the African AmericansRead MoreEssay about Causes and Effects of the Civil War812 Words   |  4 Pagesthat in the Civil War, America lost the most men ever? After four years and over 600,000 American lives, the Union (North) prevailed in wearing down and forcing the Confederacy (South) to surrender. Eli Whitneys cotton gin, the Missouri Compromise, and the Dred Scott case contributed greatly to the Civil War. After the Civil War, the Southern economy was devastated with millions of homeless, while the northern economy boomed. Eli Whitney created one of the first causes of the Civil. In 1793 EliRead MoreEssay about Causes and Effects of the Civil War741 Words   |  3 PagesDid you know Americas bloodiest battle fought on their own soil was the Civil War? The Civil War was fought on American soil between the northern states and the southern states. Many causes provoked the war, which would affect the nation for decades to come. Slavery, the Missouri Compromise, and John Browns attack on Harpers Ferry, Virginia, were some of the many causes. In turn hundreds of thousands of soldiers died, the Souths economy was devastated, and the northern ideals flourished. InRead More Causes and Effects of the American Civil War Essay812 Words   |  4 Pagesthat in the Civil War, America lost the most men ever? After four years and over 600,000 American lives, the Union (North) prevailed in wearing down and forcing the Confederacy (South) to surrender. Eli Whitney’s cotton gin, the Missouri Compromise, and the Dred Scott case contributed greatly to the Civil War. After the Civil War, the Southern economy was devastated with millions of homeless, while the northern economy boomed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eli Whitney created one of the first causes of the Civil. In 1793Read MoreEllianne Heppler. Mr.David. Research Project. 05/08/2017.1700 Words   |  7 PagesDavid Research Project 05/08/2017 The Civil War and how it happened with A Little Twist! Think of the darkest place that terrifies people to their very core and then multiply that times 100. During the Civil War a lot of bad things happened from April 12, 1861 – May 9, 1865. On April 12, 1861 The Battle of Fort Sumter happened to be one of the least casualties battles. No one was hurt until a shot was accidentally misfired. That is what started the war. But that was the least of their worriesRead MoreWhat Caused The American Civil War1634 Words   |  7 PagesWhat caused the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865? There has been several different debates and disputes about the causes of the American Civil War. Historians have stated slavery was the primary cause of the American Civil War, while other historians have argued there were other causes and effects in conjunction with slavery. Research has shown all historians did agree upon the division between the North, known as the Union, and the South, known as the Confederacy, battled on the soil of theRead MoreTh e War Between The United States944 Words   |  4 PagesThe Causes to the War Between the States The Road of the United States in becoming a truly united nation has not been a path without turmoil. Many lives were laid down to form the structure of this country and fought for its right to freedom. One of the bloodiest conflicts in the United States’ history was the war between states or more commonly referred as the Civil War. This war leads to much unnecessary violence ridden battles that were precluded by many cases. The Civil War had many profoundRead MoreSyrian Refugees During The Syrian Civil War1573 Words   |  7 Pagesthe beginning of the Syrian Civil War three years ago, her life has not been the same. Her small school has been destroyed by explosions, and her uncle killed in a missile attack. By the summer of 2013 her family came face to face with the realities of war-- either die in Syria or risk everything by fleeing to Lebanon. To Dana’s family there was no choice, they had to flee. She has been living as a refugee in Lebanon ever since (Lewis). There are many causes and effects associated with Syrian refugees

Monday, December 23, 2019

Ilab Week 6 Math 221 Essay - 818 Words

Elementary Statistics iLab Week 6 Statistical Concepts: * Data Simulation * Discrete Probability Distribution * Confidence Intervals Calculations for a set of variables Mean Median 3.2 3.5 4.5 5.0 3.7 4.0 3.7 3.0 3.1 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.1 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.8 4.0 2.6 2.0 4.3 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.5 4.1 4.5 4.2 5.0 2.9 2.5 3.5 4.0 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.3 4.0 Calculating Descriptive Statistics Descriptive Statistics: Mean, Median Variable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Minimum Q1 Median Q3 Maximum Mean 20 0 3.560 0.106 0.476 2.600 3.225 3.550 3.775 4.500 Median 20 0 3.600 0.169 0.754 2.000 3.000 3.500 4.000 5.000 Calculating Confidence Intervals for†¦show more content†¦The mean for the column â€Å"mean† is 3.56. It is very close to the parameter of interest but is not equal to it. You can calculate a confidence interval for the mean of the mean column, but a specific confidence interval would need to be provided. In that case, the confidence interval would be centered on 3.56, not 3.5. | 4. Give the mean for the median column of the Worksheet. Is this estimate centered about the parameter of interest (the parameter of interest is the answer for the mean in question 2) The mean for the median column is 3.6, which is close to the mean in question 2 but not as close as the answer in question 3. | 5. Give the standard deviation for the mean and median column. Compare these and be sure to identify which has the least variability? Standard Deviation of Mean= 0.4762Standard Deviation of Median= 0.7539The standard deviation of the Mean is smaller, which means all of the data points will tend to be very close to the Mean. The Median with a larger Standard Deviation will tend to have data points spread out over a large range of values. Since the Mean has the smaller value of the Standard Deviations, it has the least variability. | 6. Based on questions 3, 4, and 5 is the mean or median a better estimate for the parameter of interest? Explain your reasoning. The Mean seems to be the better estimate asShow MoreRelatedMath 221 Complete Course2525 Words   |  11 PagesMATH 221 COMPLETE COURSE A+ Graded Tutorial Available At: http://hwsoloutions.com/?product=math-221-complete-course Visit Our website: http://hwsoloutions.com/ Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION MATH 221 COMPLETE COURSE, Discussions Week 1 Descriptive Statistics (graded) If you were given a large data set such as the sales over the last year of our top 1,000 customers, what might you be able to do with this data? What might be the benefits of describing the data? Week 2 Regression

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sop for Mis Free Essays

There is an old paradigm that says, â€Å"To stay where you are, keep running†. Today I realize how true it is because unless we keep track of the changes and advances being made we will be considered pariah. As I stand at the threshold of completing my undergraduate study, after carefully contemplating the various career options open to me I have decided to go in for graduate study that calls for personal commitment in fulfilling the crafts of independent research and dedicated involvement. We will write a custom essay sample on Sop for Mis or any similar topic only for you Order Now In turn, I shall get intellectual satisfaction and gratification of becoming a contributor of knowledge with research, and the greater personal rewards of memory and discovery. Now, on the verge of completion of my Under-Graduate Studies, I realize that my present knowledge would not suffice. I feel that unless one is erudite in his field, one cannot be fully satisfied. Any tryst with sciences, mathematics or any area that needed analytical thinking brought out the budding Engineer in me as I was not happy with just understanding a phenomenon but wanted a real time experience of the same. This interest in logical and computational thinking led me to take up Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as my major subjects at the Pre-University level after completing my Schooling with 89%. I completed my pre-University education with 92. 3%. For my under graduate studies, I have opted for â€Å" Computer science and Engineering† in P S G College of technology, where I find my diligent study has brought home to me very strongly, that there is still a vast field that I must explore and master to achieve my goal of been the best. The economic ad technological liberalization that is taking place in my country would ensure that I would be able to use my expertise to make India a leader in the area of information science and technology. My expertise to the numerous Engineering subjects imbibed in me, an interest to pursue further education in this field. During my undergraduate course, I was exposed to various subjects which included software engineering, database technology, networking concepts which lead me to do my final year project work in networks which included designing, performance and security of particular network. I am also introduced to management based subjects like engineering economics and Industrial management where I gained knowledge and understanding of the basic management concepts, which made me secure good scores in those subjects. The essence of university education lies in the success of the symbolic relationship between the student and his department. It is with this in mind that I am looking forward to a long and rewarding relationship with your university. Your university is a confluence of people from varied culture, nationality, religion, race and ideology. I am sure that my exposure to these kinds of diverse influences would aid in the overall development of my personality and help me broaden my concept from the narrower confines of nationalism to internationalism. From the tremendous research options available here, I am confident that I will have the opportunity to work professionally with faculty on research projects and at the same time, I can make my research-work more meaningful. The hours of hard work that I put into excel in my education not only made me realize the beauty of attaining knowledge but also gave me the perseverance to look beyond and extend my boundaries, the time I have spent has only given me a brief glimpse of the vastness of knowledge, what I have seen has only aroused my curiosity and eagerness to explore the depths. I know that my goals are not mere wishes and I am aware that the path I am choosing is not a smooth horse ride. I understand that I have to put in painstaking hard work and compete with best in the world to achieve my goals. I am thoroughly prepared for it. To sum it up, I am prepared to go an â€Å"extra mile†-both figuratively and literally-add value to my qualification to realize my goals, I know that the competition is going to be tough but as it has been amply said. â€Å"Life’s battle does not always go to the stronger man, Sooner or later, the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can. † Finally I take this opportunity to thank you for enabling me to express myself and I look forward for my admission into the Masters in Management Information Systems(MS in MIS) program of your esteemed university. How to cite Sop for Mis, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Business Intelligence Retrieve and Analyze

Question: Discuss about the Business Intelligencefor Retrieve and Analyze. Answer: Introduction Technology and acquiring information has been one of the most researched aspects which can help to save healthcare matters in this globe. To collect the needed information, certain technologies and software are required so as to make good use of the gathered information. Most healthcare facilities have embraced the use of business intelligence (BI). This refers to a type of application software which is created to collect, retrieve, analyze, modify and even report the data to the relevant parties so that necessary action can be taken (Chen, Chiang, and Storey, 2012, p.1170). BI tools can be used in the development of measurement goals to find validated metrics in various ways which include improving the quality of services provided. Embracing business intelligence software is very useful in developing those goals as it improves the service given by the healthcare facility as the collected information which is well analyzed can be very helpful in determining the best medical approach to be used among the very many of them. B.I tools can also be used to control costs. Use of business intelligence in many medical facilities is proving to be critical because apart from improving the quality of the services provided, it is also reducing the cost of receiving those services and this has contributed to improving health care in the whole country (Foshay and Kuziemsky, 2014, p.25). This reduction is because information is readily available and therefore the medics do not spend a lot of time and resources researching. This has been made possible because a lot of well-analyzed information can be accessed just by opening a software. BI has also improved health care efficiency and safety. BI tools can be used to streamline operations in healthcare facilities. This makes them provide more assured services, and this has helped in improving the safety of using complicated technology to cure various kinds of health problems, and this has assisted in developing measurement goals so as to find validated metrics. The data-centric perspective of business intelligence systems enables the organization to understand its capabilities and what it can do best so that it can maximize the benefits. It does so by collecting information from various sources and accumulating it in a central unit. After this, the data is transformed into different forms which can be very useful. The information is then integrated to the problem in question by the decision makers so as to ensure that decisions are more sound and helpful for solving various issues (Foshay and Kuziemsky, 2014, p.25). Process-centric, on the other hand, assumes that the organization as a system of well-integrated processes. The collected information is designed in a way that makes it form a sequence which has to be followed to solve a problem. Between the two perspectives, process-centric is the best. NorthShore University Health System used BI tools to treat hypertension. This disease May cause heart attack and stroke. They used this tools to identify undiagnosed hypertension patients and also identify hypertension patients who needed follow ups through the use of EMR. In conclusion, BI tools have helped a lot in improving healthcare facilities in many nations. It has assisted in supporting the complicated technology being used in hospitals nowadays. It has also helped in improving quality and efficiency in hospitals and also reducing the costs of treatment. Business intelligence should, therefore, be embraced by all able healthcare centers References Chen, H., Chiang, R.H. and Storey, V.C., 2012. Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to a big impact. MIS Quarterly, 36(4), pp.1165-1188. Foshay, N. and Kuziemsky, C., 2014. Towards an implementation framework for business intelligence in healthcare. International Journal of Information Management, 34(1), pp.20-27.