Saturday, February 15, 2020

Boutique Hotels Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Boutique Hotels - Literature review Example This has also led to growth of hotels in almost every tourist destination around the world. The recent financial meltdown took a sever toll on the profitability and revenue margins of the hotel industry particularly in UK which whose economy took a major beating after the economic recession. However a recent report published by Price water house Coopers presents a comeback for the hotel industry in UK. The report states a growth rate projection of 7.8 percent in 2011 for London however the other provinces would have a lower growth rate which is pegged at approximately 3.1 percent in 2011. The report also forecasts a moderate growth with regards to room rates in the provinces (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2010, p.2). The present study would contrite its focus on the boutique hotels in Brighton, UK. The study would try to analyse the marketing perspective of the boutique hotels which would include an analysis of the segmentation and positioning strategies adopted by these hotels. In this co ntext a primary and a secondary study would be carried out. The primary study would comprise of a questionnaire survey which would be conducted in two parts. The first section would cover the managerial aspects of these hotels while the second survey would be aimed at finding out the positioning of the boutique hotels in the minds of the consumers. The secondary study would encompass an analysis of the existing literature on the topic of study. This would include an analysis of the various marketing concepts which would be linked with the practical aspects of the industry. Finally a set of plausible recommendations would be framed on the basis of the analysis of primary and secondary data which could be used by the concerned organizations to create greater value for the organization in the long run. Research Objectives (can put my aim and objective) The main objectives of the research study would be to analyze the different aspects of marketing associated with the boutique hotels. T his would include an analysis of the segmentation, targeting positioning as well as the elements of the marketing mix. The study would also include a discussion on the perception of the managers as well as the general consumers with regards to the concept of boutique hotels. These would be carried out by using a combination of primary and secondary research. The primary research would be based a questionnaire survey and the secondary data in the form of an analysis of the existing literature would be used to analyse and prepare a set of plausible recommendations and conclusions so as to sustain the business of boutique hotels in the long run. Literature Review Market Overview of Boutique Hotels Boutique hotels have evolved as one of the major participants of the tourism

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Age Discrimination And Its Impact On Career Building Case Study

Age Discrimination And Its Impact On Career Building - Case Study Example Jack Gross decided to sue the company in an effort to prove that it was age discrimination acting as the rationale for why he had been shifted in the company and his job responsibilities slowly taken away and given to younger staff members. The courts found enough evidence to favor the position of Jack Gross, however, FBL appealed the decision, taking it to a higher court. Eventually, the case reached the Supreme Court who upheld the decisions of the lower courts, deciding that there was ample evidence available that discrimination was the cause of his career status position change. Gross was awarded damages as identified by the ADEA, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. This act provides compensatory damages when discrimination is found to have been the deciding factor for making improper age-related decisions in the workplace. The include damages that are determined equal to the level of humiliation, injury, pain, and suffering, or professional reputation damage that has occurred (, 2010). Then Justice C. Thomas of the Supreme Court identified as the final appeal was considered, â€Å"under the ADEA the plaintiff retains the burden of persuasion to establish that age was the ‘but-for cause of the employer's adverse action† (, 2009, p.2). Because of the nature of how his position had been shifted and mismanaged, there was enough evidence and/or testimony to make the court system believe that Gross had been deliberately targeted for age discrimination and it was the aforementioned but-for cause of his shifts within the company. Under the ADEA, and in the case of Mr. Gross, he may have been awarded compensation in the form of back pay, which is another provision for damages available when all of the criteria have been met for proving the but-for reasoning (